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Psychology Patient





Does this sound like you?


"I've tried to keep my room clean but I'm just a messy person."

"Every year I try to exercise more and I start off doing well but then I fall off."

"I want to drink more water, I need to, but for some reason I can't stick with it." 

"My home is so disorganized, it stresses me out but I don't even know where to begin."


If any of the above found like you, you are not alone. Many well intentioned people struggle with not just starting new habits, but being able to keep them. The problem is not with your motivation, your desire, or even your abilities. While those may be contributing factors, the issue lies within your systems. Your system is a clear path that will lead you straight to your goal and the habits you need to achieve it. 


As your coach, I will work 1:1 with you to develop a system that works for you to not only start the habit you want to integrate into your life, but to keep it there. My individualized approach will help you identify:

- the barriers that keep you from staying consistent

- the beliefs you have about yourself that keep you from identifying with the person you want to be

- the system that works best for you that will keep you on the road to success for years to come. 



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